UCSC 2013: JFK Assassination

In the fall 2013 quarter at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Daniel Sheehan taught a class on the theories of the JFK assassination, one of the first courses of its kind ever taught.  Starting with the Warren commission report and the official government position, Sheehan outlines in extensive detail the nine major theories as to who was really behind the assassination.

Online reference and syllabus materials can be found below the videos.

Oct. 1: The Historical Perspective

Oct. 3: Critical Thinking

Oct. 8: Oswald, the Lone Gunman

Oct. 10: Warren Commission Report

Oct. 10: Discussion

Oct. 15: Challenges to “Lone Gunman” Theory

Oct. 17: The Later Discovered Facts That Challenge the Lone Gunman Theory

Oct. 22: Undisputed Facts

Oct. 24: The Still-Controversial Facts that Point Toward an Alternate Explanation

Oct. 24: Discussion

Oct. 29: Select Committee on Assassination, Cuban Exiles and Organized Crime (Greg)

Oct. 31: The Mob Killed JFK

Nov. 5: Garrison Investigation and Oliver Stone

Nov. 7: The Torbitt Document- Johnson, Hoover,  and the F.B.I.

Nov. 14: The S-Force, Santos Trafficante, and Richard Helms within the C.I.A.

Nov. 19: The C.I.A. As an Institution Did It

Nov. 21: Theory #9- 7 Days in May- Joint Chiefs of Staff Coup (Nov. 21, 2013, one day before the 50th anniversary)

Nov. 26: Opening onto the “Rulers of the Ream” thesis


‘Rulers of the Realm’ Relational Database

5 page syllabus

19 page syllabus

146 page syllabus

The Cast of Characters


Evidence as a Multidisciplinary Subject

The Study of Politics:  Logic, Approaches, Methods

JFK Conspiracy Theories at 50

Extended Chronology