Watch this video on YouTubeOct. 3: Critical Thinking
Oct. 8: Oswald, the Lone Gunman
Oct. 10: Warren Commission Report
Oct. 10: Discussion
Oct. 15: Challenges to “Lone Gunman” Theory
Oct. 17: The Later Discovered Facts That Challenge the Lone Gunman Theory
Oct. 22: Undisputed Facts
Oct. 24: The Still-Controversial Facts that Point Toward an Alternate Explanation
Oct. 24: Discussion
Oct. 29: Select Committee on Assassination, Cuban Exiles and Organized Crime (Greg)
Oct. 31: The Mob Killed JFK
Nov. 5: Garrison Investigation and Oliver Stone
Nov. 7: The Torbitt Document- Johnson, Hoover, and the F.B.I.
Nov. 14: The S-Force, Santos Trafficante, and Richard Helms within the C.I.A.
Nov. 19: The C.I.A. As an Institution Did It
Nov. 21: Theory #9- 7 Days in May- Joint Chiefs of Staff Coup (Nov. 21, 2013, one day before the 50th anniversary)
Nov. 26: Opening onto the “Rulers of the Ream” thesis

‘Rulers of the Realm’ Relational Database
5 page syllabus
19 page syllabus
146 page syllabus
The Cast of Characters
Evidence as a Multidisciplinary Subject
The Study of Politics: Logic, Approaches, Methods
JFK Conspiracy Theories at 50
Extended Chronology